Hi my name is Allyson and I am a receptionist at Positive Frames of Mind! I am currently a junior at Midwestern State University with a major of Exercise Physiology. I am here to help the patients and the clinicians here to the best of my abilities. I am here to aid you in any way that I can. If by chance I am unable to answer your calls, leave a voicemail. I will call back and my earliest convenience. Also, feel free to call if you have any questions or concerns about anything. I will truly try my best to help you in any way that I can.
Hi. I'm Julia and I'm returning as an receptionist with PFOMC. I'm currently a senior at MSU in the nursing program. I'm here to assist you in setting up appointments, verifying eligibility & benefits, answering insurance related questions, and addressing any questions or concerns. We pride ourselves in providing great customer service!